My list of movies to see is long, and it keeps growing. It’s not just a list of good movies that I want to see (there’s a different list for that, right next to my list of restaurants I want to try and books I want to read) – it’s a list of movies with memorable quotes that impart valuable business lessons. The list is part of my to-do’s, along with all my other professional development goals.
As I’ve advanced in my career and worked with more and more senior-level folks, I’ve noticed a certain trend. People (often, but not always, men), constantly use movie quotes to illustrate their points. And you know what? It works. The point they’ve made is now embedded in my mind as part of a story, and it sticks.
Throughout my corporate career, I’ve learned how important storytelling is at every stage, in every function, and across all settings. I’ve heard top executives say time and time again, “we need to improve our storytelling,” and they’re always right – it’s a skill that’s tough to come by, and it’s difficult to teach and learn. Enter movie lines…
A good story elicits some sort of emotion and is therefore relatable, memorable, and it helps drive any point home. Movie quotes are valuable because the story has already been told – all you have to do is choose the right quote and your audience (or at least some of it) will immediately grasp your message and likely be entertained by the memory of the context. Using a movie quote is kind of like referencing an inside joke, only it’s the opposite of “inside” if you do it right. And of course, the more connections a person can make when taking in new information (i.e. relating your message to a movie they’re familiar with), the more likely it is that the information will stick.
So, after years of not getting the references, forcing people to recap plots, and missing ample opportunities to use the convenient tool myself, I’ve decided to build – and share – my cache of movie quotes that are good for business.
I hope you find this cheat-sheet of movie quotes for business useful. Leave a comment and share your thoughts! Or feel free to reach out directly at
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